"This project presents an opportunity for a comprehensive creative team to assemble and through a tightly-knit collaboration with its builder/developer counterpart see to the realization of a work of architecture. This work should be profitable, beautiful, and beneficial to the community.
"The building should take advantage of architecture's ability to educate and empower communities. This can be acheived by creating a sense of place, applying sustainability methods, and designing for affordability and flexibility. Starting a dialogue with the community will also give transparency to the entire design process and enrich potential outcomes."
Started in winter 2011, the 169 Tompkins Development is evolving from a case study of a typology into a project with great potential to be realized. Images below are taken from Phase I, the document acquainting the design team with the development team. Phase II, currently under way, is beginning to develop the ideas outlined herein, at a larger, more experimental scale. The aim: a piece of architecture with a sustainable energy model capable of sustaining one Brooklyn city block.
All precedent images property of their respective architects.
FGH Design Group are: Tse-en Fan, Noah Garcia, and Ivan Himanen.
Follow the project's genesis at the Earthlab Tumblr page.