Entering the 11th hour, the ground beneath the brain thins out. What in daylight was a pleasant stroll along a train of thought now becomes a tightrope walk. All it takes is one slip for focus to collapse completely. Architecture is full of these triggers: double entendres that turn work flow to turn into uncontrollable giggling. I’ve started calling it Architecture or Rap Lyrics.
“If stone facing is deemed the most appropriate method, proper detailing of joints is critical.”
“Because long span members are usually large, correspondingly large erection stresses can be developed.”
“For small jobs, hand compaction can be used. More typically, it is done with vibrators.”
“When it is away from the joint, the member is in tension.”
“For proper bearing in wood members, nuts should be tightened using the turn-of-nut method and in uniform contact with the wood surface.”
“The standard approach of nesting, sometimes called Butt And Run, combined with the Six-Course, Six-Inch, Stepped-Off Diagonal Method…”