
Your Inner Black Woman

Thanks to a slew of sexy music out there, we sometimes veer very close to the edge of an identity crisis. Herewith I present a silky, milky, dip-sticky compilation of individuals who have felt the same. This is my “Your Inner Black Woman” mix.


On Bernini

For me, there is no better remedy to an uninspiring day than an excursion to the Met. I have been there over fifty times and am still discovering things. I brought my sketchbook– there were architectural thoughts nervously brewing which needed a playful nudge. I lucked out, because the Bernini Sculpting in Clay exhibit was just up in […]


Charlotte Studies

Superstorm blue.

Architecture Art


Though the details I design daily are not on par with those brought to my attention by Christian (with Peter Pennoyer; resplendent in all their curvature, skirting between the Euclidian and the organic, awash with white plaster…) eroticism figures in our discourse enough to warrant a more than cursory investigation of its stake in the […]